OFF PAGE SEO Techniques 2020
Category: SEO Off-page SEO: T he on-page factors above are crucial in signaling to the search engines the keywords and phrases that matter to a particular web-page. However, many pages on the internet will be very similar from an on-page point of view. Also Read: Top 10 Fantasy Cricket Apps List in 2024 For example, if two companies create a webpage to promote the key-phrase “search engine optimization India,” both pages will likely have pretty much identical content assuming Top SEO Companies are proficient in SEO. Accordingly, off-page factors are used by search engines to decide which page should rank highest. a. User Behaviour after logging on to your website: Remember, search engines’ absolute priority is to deliver the best / most relevant sites at the top of the SERP for a particular key-word or phrase. If results are bad /irrelevant, people will stop using search engines in favor of some other information sorting tool ( social bookm...